Oxygen Therapy — Who Needs It And How It Works

The body's vital organs require oxygen to maintain proper function. Those with respiratory illnesses or lung disease may experience oxygen deficiencies. Oxygen therapy provides supplemental oxygen that improves breathing and maintains the health of vital organs.

Oxygen Therapy

The air that is breathed in contains a mix of nitrogen and oxygen. The lungs filter oxygen. The blood vessels carry oxygen throughout the body. Many illnesses contribute to low oxygen levels.

Those with sleep apnea, respiratory illnesses, asthma, or emphysema may require oxygen therapy. These are just some of the conditions that could lead to needing oxygen therapy.

Supplemental Oxygen

Oxygen therapy is prescribed by a medical doctor. A doctor will determine if oxygen therapy will be needed on a temporary basis or a permanent basis. Healthy people may ultimately need supplemental oxygen too.

Higher altitudes contribute to lower oxygen levels. If an individual will be visiting a higher altitude, they may experience shortness of breath, dizziness, and other symptoms associated with not receiving enough oxygen. An individual who will be visiting a high altitude can purchase canned oxygen to acquire the supplemental oxygen they need.


A doctor will perform some tests to determine if a patient isn't receiving enough oxygen. A pulse oximeter clips onto a finger, toe, or earlobe. An oximeter measures oxygen levels in the capillaries. This type of test is painless.

A doctor may perform some lung tests too. These types of tests will determine how much air a patient breathes in. The test results will determine if a doctor will prescribe oxygen therapy.

Therapeutic Products

Oxygen comes in tanks and canisters. A tank is often prescribed when supplemental oxygen is going to be needed on a routine basis. A patient may be prescribed to use tubing and a nasal cannula. Tubing transports oxygen from a tank or canister.

The oxygen will then be routed through the nasal cannula. The nasal cannula is an apparatus that needs to be secured in the nasal cavities. The air that is released through the nasal cannula will enter the nose, allowing a patient to breathe in an easier manner.

Travel Supplies

Medical product suppliers who sell therapeutic oxygen materials may feature a line of travel supplies. Carts, storage bags, and other accessories can be used when oxygen therapy is being performed away from home. These items are designed to provide a patient with a convenient way to acquire the supplemental oxygen that they need.

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About Me

Managing Medical Care When I started having some weird health symptoms, I wasn't sure what to do next. I was really stressed about what the future would hold for me, so I started talking with my doctor. I was referred to a few different medical providers, and it was really incredible to feel like I had access to excellent care. They worked with me daily to get on top of my symptoms and to help me to figure things out, and it felt amazing to have help. Now I know what condition I am living with, and that care has made all of the difference. Read more about medical care here.




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